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Sex Crimes
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Top Things to Take Away from the PA Frat/Facebook Scandal

It’s hard to watch the news without seeing some mention of what is going on at Penn State. A fraternity was recently suspended for allegedly using Facebook to post photos of women who were unconscious and/or nude. While these Facebook pages were set to private – meaning the entire public could not see – there Read More

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Facing a Sex Crime Arrest? Defend Your Life!

No arrest can instantly tarnish your reputation and ruin your life more than a sex crime. Even if you are innocent, the arrest itself can stick with you. Therefore, if you are facing an arrest or you have been arrested, you need to fight for your reputation and your life. With these types of crimes, Read More

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Ex-NFL Star Darren Sharper Faces Sexual Assault Charges

Retired professional football player Darren Sharper faces sexual battery charges in California and Arizona. However, Miami-Dade prosecutors have dropped their rape case against him since they have concluded that they do not have sufficient evidence to charge him. Police and prosecutors in California and Arizona have alleged that Mr. Sharper had spiked the drinks of Read More

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University of Miami Students Charged With Sexual Battery

The University of Miami and Coral Gables communities in Miami suffered a terrible surprise when two Miami Hurricane football players were charged with sexual battery on July 8, 2014. Coral Gables police charged two 20-year-old players, JaWand Blue and Alexander Figueroa, with getting a 17-year-old woman drunk and then assaulting her. The two men apparently Read More

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Johns Hopkins Doctor Secretly Taped Thousands of Women

Nikita Levy, an OB/GYN at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, a major renowned hospital in Baltimore, was found to havetaped hundreds of his patients during private exams without their knowledge over years. This case is a terrible criminal law matter that affected thousands of unsuspecting victims. Dr. Levy had worked at Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Medical Read More

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